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Testimonials Anchor

“Ange is a very intuitive therapist and has a very healing touch. Due to my lupus I am unable to have ‘normal’ massages as they trigger an autoimmune attack. The myofascial treatment was extremely beneficial for me as it was light but also deep in its impact on my body and mind.
I have been doing a lot of yoga to counteract my connective tissue problems and the day after my treatment with Ange I felt much looser and could stretch further in my yoga. The light touch and gentle movements were also incredibly relaxing.
Thank you”


“Angie is a therapist with truly magical hands. Her facials and massages are the best - they not only give great results but you leave feeling nurtured and at peace, something much needed in our fast paced life. Thanks so much Ange - amazing!


I booked a course of three treatments of Body Code with Angie from Angel Hand Healing, and the results for me were amazing! This was my first experience of Body Code and I was unsure as to what to expect, but I had a couple of physical ailments that were impacting on my well-being, one of which was a deep rooted hip/back pain resulting from surgery 30 years ago and I thought I was destined to live with it forever, but I can honestly say it has gone! I am 6 weeks post treatment and there is still no sign of it coming back. Angie is an amazing therapist who is totally invested in each treatment, and her knowledge is second to none. I would happily have Body Code again with Angie. It totally shifted something for me!


"I saw Ángels for a two hr massage. I am a body worker myself so I am quite picky about who I allow to work on my body and I would highly recommend Ange’s treatments. Ange is receptive, intuitive and her touch is pure nurture. I felt respected, heard and safe in her hands throughout the session; held and well cared for. The treatment reflected exactly what my body needed and I was able to release all the tension and move through the energies safely. There is something about Ange’s nature which made my experience wholesome."


“I was lucky enough to have 3 sessions of Body Code Healing with Ange. She is super sensitive and intuitive as to any problems, whether you voice them or not. The Body Code modality is very interesting & in-depth and brings up issues, or traumas you perhaps weren't even aware of. Since the healing, which I had for my asthma, I have experienced a greater ability to breathe much deeper & more consciously. I have also experienced massage with Ange and she does indeed have healing hands. In fact her presence, whether she is hands on, or not is very calming and soothing. I will be coming back for more very soon!"


"I came to Ange for an in-person Emotion Code session. For years I have suffered from a spasm and twitch around my eye and on my cheek and I have recently felt ready to release the emotions around the problem. She gently and intuitively worked on clearing them. These included grief and indecision experienced by myself and conflict by my father's ancestors. She also released some heart wall blockages and I have definitely felt a release of tension in my face and a general lightening all over.  I would thoroughly recommend Ange as a empathic and gentle practitioner who is genuinely committed to helping her clients."


"Having experienced an Emotion code session with Angie, I was very impressed and amazed what came up.
She was able to pick up on blocked emotions that I had been carrying for many years. Each emotion she detected totally resonated with me, anxiety being one of them which, Angie was able to tune in and discover it started when I was 12, when my parents split. I was very surprised at the physical release when Angie used her magnet, she has a real gift at gently holding space which provided and enable me to relax and let it go.  It definitely helps clear a few layers. If you have never experienced the emotion code technique before, I highly recommend Angie."


“My sessions with Ange were profound. Each was very different, one brought a clarity to a very long held but unconscious aspect of my life and enabled me to move forward with new understanding and compassion, the other facilitated a really important shift in something very present. In both cases Angie could not have known about what she touched - it was an intensely powerful and also deeply nurturing experience. 

Thank you.” 



“Angie is kind and gentle in her approach and easy to feel comfortable with. I had a session face to face and 'virtually' and found them equally beneficial. I felt they unlocked a lot of unprocessed emotions without leaving me feeling raw afterwards and instead left me feeling a sense of release and freedom.” 



"It was amazing having Angie work with the emotion code on my two cats . Firstly, I was surprised at how willing they were to take part and Morris happily sat around her feet and did not walk off until the end of the session. All the emotions that Angie picked up on were spot on and appropriate to their personalities. My oldest cat has been significantly less needy since and my youngest, less anxious. Angie has a lovely nature with animals and has an incredible ability to tune into them, my cats instantly felt at ease with her and seemed to enjoy the session."

"I had 2 distance sessions with Angie to detect and release blocks in my body that were holding me back from realising my full potential. I did notice how calm I felt during the sessions and a lot lighter at the end. I felt more emotionally balanced. There was a definite shift in my body's energies. I find it amazing how trapped energies from events in your childhood or from previous generations can hold you stuck and this technique can start shifting them enabling healing to take place. I highly recommend a session. 

Angie has a beautiful positive, calm energy, she listened so effectively to my story and helped shift my blocks."


"I experienced a powerful feeling of connection during the sessions. I continue to experience healing benefits now, well after completing the sessions."



"It's like I got (effortlessly) this hugely important piece of information that I needed to know about myself... I think the method is powerful - but it's also your gift and capacity and intuition with energy work that feels a given."


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