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the emotion code trapped subconcious muscle testing calm waves

The Emotion Code

Identify and release trapped emotions using muscle testing.

£45 - In-person (30-45 min) £35 - Virtual (30-45 min) £25 - Proxy (30-45 min) £22 - Animal (30-45 min) [In-person] Face-to- face sessions for people who live locally,  if preferred and deemed appropriate. [Virtual] These sessions will be by telephone or video call depending on the need and where you are in the world. These methods are equally as effective as an in-person appointment. [Proxy] These sessions are done without having to speak in person through telephone or video call. We can set a time where I will “tune in” to your energy and subconscious mind and do the sessions by proxy. I will send you an email with details of the trapped emotions released afterwards.

What is The Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code was created by Dr Bradley Nelson and is a form of energy healing that is a simple and an effective way of identifying and releasing trapped emotions. He developed a chart to encompass a full range of emotions and, when asked, our subconscious mind will choose the closest vibration to this emotion. Our conscious mind is our gatekeeper to information but often socialisation and programming can influence our behaviours and responses.

A technique called muscle testing is used to decipher a baseline response to a question. Through this muscle testing we are tapping into our subconscious mind which has a greater depth of intelligence and can generate an electromagnetic response in the body. Our subconscious mind knows everything about us. It holds all our memories, information and knows the truth and when asked a direct question, it can send signals to the muscles of the body as an answer.

Further enquiry may lead to decoding the response, eg., what age you were when this emotion was trapped or if you absorbed this emotion from someone else or if it is a Heart Wall that can lead to a disconnect from ourselves and others. Bringing this awareness to the conscious mind it can now be released. This is done through clear intention or/and using a magnet to neutralise and release along the governing meridian (a key pathway to other energy lines as per acupuncture). No direct touch is necessary and in this way, sessions can be undertaken remotely by the practitioner as a proxy. As everything is energy, we are all connected and the practitioner can release trapped emotions from a distance as a form of remote or “distant healing”. A safe and simple technique that can be used with children and animals too.

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