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the body code emotion subconcious charts energy

The Body Code

Discover, release, and realign imbalances energetically in all the bodies systems including emotional and mental, with a comprehensive system of charts.

£60 - In-person (45-60 min) £50 - Virtual (45-60 min) £40 - Proxy (45-60 min) [In-person] Face-to- face sessions for people who live locally,  if preferred and deemed appropriate. [Virtual] These sessions will be by telephone or video call depending on the need and where you are in the world. These methods are equally as effective as an in-person appointment. [Proxy] These sessions are done without having to speak in person through telephone or video call. We can set a time where I will “tune in” to your energy and subconscious mind and do the sessions by proxy. I will send you an email with details of the trapped emotions released afterwards.

What is The Body Code?

The Body Code follows from and incorporates the Emotion Code and Heart Wall tools. Muscle testing is also used here to tap in to the subconscious mind’s guidance.

The Body Code is a comprehensive system that uses in-depth charts to help identify physical, emotional, mental and energetic imbalances that can be released or realigned to allow for more efficient health and well-being. As with the Emotion Code, imbalances can be addressed through clear intention and/or by using a magnet over the governing meridian to be cleared.

By using these charts, we are guided on a journey through layers and associations to decode. E.g., someone presenting with neck pain may find that this may be caused by a physical skeletal or muscular misalignment, an imbalanced throat chakra, a blocked meridian, or a trapped emotion, or all of the above. Chronic issues can be indicators that the healing process is stalled, stuck or not working. When the imbalance responsible for this stagnation is released, the body can begin to heal or come in to more balance. This can relate to all levels, physical, mental, emotional and energetic.

In no way, does this replace seeing a health practitioner or medic if you have concerns, but what we do here by using the Body Code, is identify and release the issues that show themselves on an energetic level. This does not just involve physical symptoms or emotional issues but also blocks with relationships or work can be looked at. I have even had someone ask what needed to be released in order to move to a new home - and then she got the go ahead that very same day!

It really is a simple yet comprehensive and gentle yet powerful tool to help unblock those things that are ready to be released. Like the Emotion Code, clients can be seen in person and also remotely through video call or by proxy.

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