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spiritual response therapy pendulum charts energy

Spiritual Response Therapy Sessions

A system that researches the subconscious mind and soul records (Akashic) to release discordant energy and programmes often rooted in past lives.


£60 - In-person (45-60 min)

£50 - Virtual (45-60 min)

£40 - Proxy (45-60 min)

About Spiritual Response Therapy sessions

With Spiritual Response Therapy, Angeliki uses a pendulum to douse a variety of charts to find any discordant energies or programs carried through from past or parallel lives into this life. Once researched, they can be released and transmuted. It is a form of quantum healing as we work to clear your Akashic or soul records. It can literally light up the path ahead for you as it can release any blocks moving forward. SRT can be done in person or remotely. With this modality, we can work to clear your home and workplace from negative energies/ley lines or focus on specific areas of your life, from relationships to work, money, family.

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